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Отрасли знаний: Точные науки -> Математика Wael Alkasawneh Backcalculation of Pavement Moduli Using Genetic Algorithms. State of the Art Methods and Techniques 2013 г., 240 стр., мягкий переплет No guidelines or thorough investigations have been carried out to address all the aspects and challenges associated with the backcalculation of pavement moduli using genetic algorithms. This book is the first comprehensive work that deals with all aspects of both pavement and genetic algorithms and how to merge them. In addition, this book is... | 48526 тг | |
Отрасли знаний: Гуманитарные науки -> Литературоведение Petra S?rdy I'm not that innocent. The Discription of the Individual and Nature in D.H.Lawrence's two major novels 2013 г., 56 стр., мягкий переплет In my book I analysed the relationship between the characters and nature in David Herbert Lawrence's two major works. I chose Lady Chatterlay's Lover and The Virgin and the Gipsy,because they are similar to each other in their topics, and I wanted to show how beautifully could Lawrence wrote about love and emotions by using nature.He was said... | 27471 тг | |
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика Simon Medcalfe Incentives in Baseball. 2013 г., 64 стр., мягкий переплет Baseball in the United States uses a variety of incentives to elicit effort from players and teams. What is the response of athletes to these incentives? This book examines many of the practices used in baseball today to determine the effectiveness of different incentive mechanisms. Does the hierarchical nature of baseball provide... | 27755 тг | |
Отрасли знаний: Естественные науки -> Биология Ahmed Mansour Manipulation of Genetic Information in Studying Plant Performance. 2013 г., 120 стр., мягкий переплет Plant tolerance to heat stress proved to be entirely dependent on the signaling flow of information by which the plant can sense the changes in its surrounding environment and signal its genes to respond by producing special proteins to protect it-self. Any changes or manipulations in this signaling flow of information will presumably lead to a... | 29744 тг | |
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки David Bugg Gun Ownership over the Life Course. Generations and the Lifecycle 2013 г., 148 стр., мягкий переплет Studies of gun ownership have all but ignored the use of life course approaches in the examination of this issue. While attention has been given to experiences with firearms during childhood and adolescence, information about later stages of the lifecycle and gun ownership are limited. Even less attention has been devoted to the study of... | 35579 тг | |
Отрасли знаний: Гуманитарные науки -> Психология Malissa Clark Cognitive and Affective Empathy. Exploring the Differential Effects of Empathy Components on Work-family Conflict and Emotional Labor 2013 г., 84 стр., мягкий переплет The present study investigates how empathy relates to the occupational health psychology topics of work-family conflict and emotional labor. Empathy has not been a focus in mainstream Industrial/Organizational research, and therefore there is some confusion surrounding the definition and impact of empathy on various outcomes. The present ... | 28465 тг | |
Отрасли знаний: Точные науки -> Информатика и программирование Clara In?s Pe?a de Carrillo Adaptive and Assisted Educational Hypermedia. Conceptual Model and Technological Solution using Intelligent Agents 2013 г., 408 стр., мягкий переплет One of the biggest problems of the online learning systems is concerned with the way of offering adaptive education to each particular student. In this context, some of the Artificial Intelligence techniques as the multiagent systems, have demonstrated a potential to develop interactive systems for education since they introduce a new... | 54493 тг | |
Отрасли знаний: Точные науки -> Информатика и программирование Fabian Suchanek Automated Reasoning and Common Sense. Higher Order Aspirations with First Order Logic 2013 г., 72 стр., мягкий переплет One of the challenges of today's information society is to cope with the immense amount of digitally stored texts. Progress in this area could be made if computers could somehow understand these texts or even answer questions about their content. This Master's thesis describes a possible approach to this challenge. It examines how computers... | 28039 тг |