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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Muhammad Shoaib Khan and Anwaar Mohyuddin
Impact Of Tourism On Socio-economic Structures. A Case Study of Saidpur Village in Islamabad
2013 г.,  156 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This study identifies the positive and negative aspects of tourism as perceived by the residents of Saidpur village, and the influence of selected variables on resident response. It is hypothesized that the perception of tourist impact varies with the distance a person lives from the tourist zone and with the resident's socio-economic status. They...

35863 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
David John
Space Weapons and Outer Space Arms Control. The difficulties in producing an arms control treaty for space, and alternative solutions for securing the space theatre
2013 г.,  92 стр.,  мягкий переплет
After the Chinese anti-satellite test in 2007, the international community responded with fear that a new space race was soon to begin. Soon after the test, debate began on the need for an arms control treaty specifically for the use of banning weapons in outer space. The argument for an arms control treaty for outer space is not new however,...

28750 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Karn Gupta
Global Competition Agreement: Perspectives & Challenges. Relevance & Need for a Global Competition Agreement
2013 г.,  76 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The present book is a take on the relevance and need for a global competition agreement in today's globalised world. The present book looks at the earlier efforts in establishing global competition rules. The book then goes on to suggest the core principles of a global competition agreement and at the same time looks at the suitability of the WTO...

28181 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Donata Franzi
Make Energy from the Sun a Real Growth Perspective.
2013 г.,  136 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The book sum-up findings of a research aimed at emphasize factors, at both country specific and international level, that may impact on the feasibility of initiatives for deploying energy from the sun, such as the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP). The study analyses those aspects that may either allow or limit rules coordination and a shared energy...

35153 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Apurbo Kumar Paul
A Story of FDI and Developing Countries. A Deeper Look into the Details of FDI
2013 г.,  120 стр.,  мягкий переплет
FDI is considered as an important tool for economic growth and overall economic development because of the multi-dimensional benefits FDI brings to the FDI-receiving countries. The developing countries are leaving no stones unturned to attract as much FDI as possible. In this book, a deeper look has been given into the facts about FDI and all the...

29744 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Navneet Toppo
Anatomy of Torts. The area of law that covers the majority of all civil lawsuits-Law of Torts
2013 г.,  64 стр.,  мягкий переплет
‘’ANATOMY OF TORTS’’-My research complimentarily examines the legality and working of torts in India as well as in foreign countries in different manner in both Civil & Criminal section’s with the help of cited cases.This Research deals with the following Literature Review’s : Nature Of Tort-Difference between Crime & Tort, Resemblance...

27755 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Vasanth Kumar,Sateesh Kumar and Vijaya Kumar
Formulation Of Methylprednisolone Colon Targeted Tablets.
2013 г.,  116 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The intent of current investigation is to make colon targeting methylprednisolone compression coated tablets using time dependent polymer hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and pH sensitive polymer Eudragit S100 that retard the liberation of drug in upper gastro intestinal system and also show progressive release in colon. The prepared formulations...

29602 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Valerie K. Heintz-Martin
Stepfamilies in Canada. Numbers, characteristics, stability and childbearing
2013 г.,  336 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book examines stepfamilies in Canada within a socio-demographic framework. A cross-sectional perspective by describing the stepfamilies examined at survey is presented first. The main focus is to compare stepfamilies with intact and lone parent families in order to see the extent and nature of the differences between them. The results suggest...

51936 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Nitin Salvi,R. L. Deopurkar and A.B. Waghmare
Validation of Elisa for Testing of Antirabies Antibodies. Standardization and Validation of Indirect ELISA as a substitute for Virus Neutralization Test during Quantitative Testing of Antirabies Antibodies in Hyperimmunized Equines
2013 г.,  144 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Indirect ELISA was evaluated for quantifying specific antirabies antibodies. A total of 4,946 samples of sixty equines were monitored by indirect ELISA at an interval of two weeks for a period of five years. When seven equines of the above sixty were compared for VNT and indirect ELISA during their primary phase of immunization, a good correlation...

35437 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Mervis Zungura
NGOs augmenting government in aids prevention and support in Zimbabwe. The Case of SAFAIDS
2013 г.,  68 стр.,  мягкий переплет
HIV/AIDS first struck Zimbabwe in 1985. Zimbabwe's response to the disease was weak and selective. HIV/AIDS was predominantly viewed as a problem of an infectious organism causing death. Little or no room was given to understanding the factors that determine the effectiveness of mechanisms for prevention which include advocacy of abstinence and...

27897 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Frank Mbaaga
Perceived Sexual HIV Risks and Prevention. A Case Study of Youth in Masaka and Kampala Districts in Uganda
2013 г.,  396 стр.,  мягкий переплет
HIV/AIDS, a disease with neither cure nor vaccine, is a devastating pandemic. About 40 million people are infected, 4.1 million are infected annually, and 800,000 die from AIDS-related deaths each year. In developing countries, it is transmitted mainly heterosexually. Infection can be reduced through abstinence, faithfulness, and use of condoms....

54067 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Iqbal Ahmad
Community Participation in Education:Challenges and Opportunities. Community Participation in Education
2013 г.,  80 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Community participation in education is a complex issue. It is heterogeneous in nature because it differs from context to context. The process of participation is fraught with various challenges and issues due to its diverse nature. However, despite of all this, concept of community participation has become a catchy word in the present day....

28323 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция -> Международное право
Deepak Sharannavar
Suspensions & Terminations of Construction Contracts in UAE. Insight on FIDIC & UAE Civil Code
2013 г.,  124 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Construction industry invests considerable time and effort in planning projects & significantly less time is devoted to understanding what happens when a project is suspended or terminated. Suspensions and Terminations of contracts are one the most dangerous issues faced by the parties to the contract due to its consequences. In UAE, most of the...

34726 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Nishikant Jha
Study Of FDI In India And Its Impact On GDP & Sectoral Growth In India.
2013 г.,  52 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The study showed that FDI plays an important role in the economic development of the country. Thus, FDI procedure should be made easier. The government should announce some more incentive to the foreign investors. The study showed that the correlation in FDI inflow in secondary sector and its share in GDP was very strong. The FDI inflows in this...

27329 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Michal Vlasak
Management Research on Central and Eastern Europe from 1990 to 2010. A Content Analysis of the Literature from 1990 to 2010
2013 г.,  404 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This literature review analyzes the management research on Central and Eastern European countries between 1990 and 2010. Data from more than eight hundred articles in 25 leading managerial journals where inspected. The theoretical part describes socialism, communism, planned economy and its collapse in an interdisciplinary way. “Management in...

54351 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Гендерные исследования
Carolyn Opanga and Stephen Opanga
The Effect of Domestic Violence on Personality Development. A Case Study Of Secondary School Youth In Lurambi Division Kakamega District, Kenya
2013 г.,  88 стр.,  мягкий переплет
It’s easy in this life to become disappointed; in fact who hasn’t been at some point or another? Education in particular is an arena where disappointment can thrive! As an Educationist I had to learn a long time ago not to allow “disappointment” to get me down. It is all too easy to give into the “feelings” of disappointment, mainly...

28608 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Антропология
Jita Baruah
Ringtones of mobile phones. A Folkloristic Study in Guwahati City, India
2013 г.,  80 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The mobile phone has brought about a communication revolution in the world. SMS through mobile phones are reflective of different behaviour patterns and new mediums of expression. Connected to the mobile phone, there is another aspect which can be studied as a new form of folklore—the ringtone. An attempt has been made to perceive mobile phone...

28323 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Getachew Melaku Yitbarek
An effort towards MDG and EFA. An assessment of a girls' education project in Ethiopia
2013 г.,  104 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book reports the result of an assessment of the girls' education project in Unity University College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Representative data were collected from three groups of respondents (project staff, project beneficiaries and top management of the University College). Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were...

29176 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Jos? Ram?n Garc?a Men?ndez
Essays On International Economic Policy. Neoliberalism, Globalization, Integration
2013 г.,  228 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book is a selection of essays on international economic policy in reporting on various processes and institutions of the global economy, with special reference to the related analytical neoliberalism, globalization and integration. The work consists of introductory chapters methodological-theoretical and applications for significant cases the...

48100 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Ismayil Isayev
The European Union and Azerbaijan Relations. Eastern Neighbourhood and Energy Cooperation Perspectives
2013 г.,  88 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The work seeks to study the major rationale and development of the relations between the EU and Azerbaijan, with the following key questions: What is the inspiring essence of the relationship between the EU and Azerbaijan? Do the entities strive to achieve integration based on European values or simply pursue their economic benefits? As of...

28608 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Vusal Gasimli
Resource-rich Countries: Modernization and Diversification. The case of Azerbaijan
2013 г.,  120 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book undertakes modernization and diversification - two issues of vital relevance to the sustainable economic development of Azerbaijan. This research also analyzes the functionality of the existing linkages between innovation and economic growth through identifying and quantifying major constraints and challenges in Azerbaijan....

29744 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Hayat Bakhiet
The Effective Leadership. Definition, Importance, Practical and Technical Qualities
2013 г.,  52 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Strategic effective leadership and its role in achieving the visions and objectives of any organization is so important, specially at the time being. It can be considered as the main tool and dynamic, which all social and private institutions are used, in achieving and accelerating sustainable social and economic development. As a leader, Where...

27329 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Clifford Chiduuro
Impact of Multicurrency System. In Government Secondary Schools
2013 г.,  104 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Zimbabwe developed one of Africa’s finest education systems in the 1980s and boasts one of Africa's highest literacy rates (Coltart, 2011). Primary and secondary schools were segregated until 1979. In the first decade after independence in 1980, the education system was systematically enlarged by the Zimbabwean Government, which was committed to...

29176 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Fathimunisa Begam Afsar Hanfy
Strategic Cost Management Practices.
2013 г.,  164 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In a dynamic and competitive economic environment any business activity needs an integrative approach to organize a set of specialists from different departments into cross-functional teams that all strive for a certain goal such as cost, quality, and lead time, forming an integrated planning and execution system. Traditional cost approaches are...

40503 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция -> Международное право
David Baxter Mutekanga Bakibinga
Discretion, Disclosure and Confidentiality at the ICC. The tension between the duty to disclose and the confidentiality obligations of the ICC Prosecutor
2013 г.,  72 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The book explores the influence the two overbearing legal systems had on the determination of the roles of the prosecutor under the Rome Statute. It goes on to examine prosecutorial independence under the international criminal tribunals. The study delves into prosecutorial discretion during the investigative stage and at the commencement of...

28039 тг
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