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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
S. Sam Titus
Increasing Demand for Livestock Products in India- A Trend Analysis.
2013 г.,  76 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The livestock sector plays a vital role in the economies of many developing countries. It provides food, or more specifically animal protein in human diets, income, employment and possibly foreign exchange. For low income producers, livestock also serve as a store of wealth; provide drought power and organic fertilizer for crop production and a...

28181 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Mehmet Guray Unsal and Resat Kasap
Residual Types In Time Series Analysis. Residual Types and Applications
2013 г.,  64 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Residual types in time series has not been investigated throughly in literature. This study aims to provide practical applications of residual types for postgraduate researchers who work on Advanced Topics in Statistics. In this book, firstly, basic information about different types of residuals was given and some features of the residuals were...

27755 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Oyewole Oluwaseun
Social, Cultural and Economic Factors Promoting Streetism.
2013 г.,  100 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This research work was carried out to investigate Social, Cultural and Economic Factors Promoting Streetism among Urban Children in Ibadan, Nigeria. There are many research works all over the world about the causes of streetism, but different scholars are all coming out with different causes that are relevant to their environmental context. On the...

29034 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Гендерные исследования
Camilla Ida Ravnboel
I will fish my rights. A study on the significance of property rights for indigenous peasant women in a highland community in Bolivia
2013 г.,  132 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This publication builds on extensive anthropological fieldwork in a small rural Aymara community in the high plateau of Bolivia. It investigates the significance that indigenous peasant women attribute to property rights to land and the influence that land rights have on their everyday life and possibilities of action within the family, community,...

35011 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> История
Jerzy Borz?cki
The Ethnic Factor in the Riga Territorial Settlement. Between Poland and the Soviet State
2013 г.,  420 стр.,  мягкий переплет
It is widely believed that the Polish-Soviet territorial settlement of late 1920 did not have much to do with ethnic factors. However, this research study shows that they did play a significant role. Both sides established their contrary territorial programs based on their different understandings of the historic Borderlands’ ethnic geography,...

54920 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Matthew Plain
Invoking the Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A Realist Critique.
2013 г.,  152 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In 2001, an international commission of academics and diplomats published a report which laid the foundations of a new doctrine in international law: The Responsibility to Protect (R2P). On the surface, what the R2P enshrines is both straightforward and moral. Extreme violence against noncombatants had been a defining characteristic of the...

35721 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Anwar Khan and Anwaar Mohyuddin
Problems of Militancy Affected IDPs in Pakistan. A Case Study of Village Kalpani (Buner) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
2013 г.,  144 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In Pakistan from last five years, there is a war inside the country. This war is against militant groups. The Government of Pakistan and Pakistan Army is trying to abolish those groups inside the country. This war begins in tribal areas and then move toward the beautiful valley of Swat and finally spread to the whole Malakand Division. The...

35437 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция -> Гражданское право
Khalifah Alfadhli
When the Individual Counts: Social Entrepreneurship. In the GCC, Opportunities and Obstacles
2013 г.,  72 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This study is an attempt to close a gap in the international social entrepreneurship (SE) literature by shedding light on four initiatives from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. It also discusses the concept of social entrepreneurship as a promising third way in the field of addressing social problems in the region. Data was collected...

28039 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Mande Suresh
HIV Infected/ Affected Mini Public Transport Drivers. And Their Families In Greater Visakhapatnam
2013 г.,  64 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In this book, it is generally accepted and well-documented that long distance public transport drivers have been and remain one of the key forces in the spread of HIV/AIDS. The role of such drivers in the transmission of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases is rooted in the lifestyle that comes with the profession, as well as the...

27755 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Tewodros Tebekew Admassu
Macroeconometric Modelling Of Ethiopian Economy And Policy Implication. Eclectic Approach
2013 г.,  172 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Ethiopia is one of the leading countries in terms designing development plans among other African countries but still the country does not have a macroeconometric model used as a framework for crafting policy analysis. Macroeconometric models are abstractions and a way for systemic thinking on how the entire economy is functioning....

40787 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Utpal Kumar Ghosh,Md. Hasrat Ali and Hiradhar Chudali
Self Help Groups in West Bengal Province of India.
2013 г.,  84 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The study reveals that the SHGs has done a good job in respect of women empowerment. A significant number of female respondents have confirmed that they have built a much confidence and consciousness about the surroundings. They can now augment their family income to a considerable extent through some subsidiary enterprises such as sewing,...

28465 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Mahabub Alam and Tanvir Istaique Ul Huque
Enhancement of Bandwidth Using Connected U-Shape and E-Shape. Analysis and Design
2013 г.,  88 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The microstrip antenna is one of the most preferable for small equipment, especially when a built-in antenna is required but it's bandwidth is limited for wireless applications. The book contains Maxwell's equation and the wave equation,introductory physics and differential and integral calculus which gives detail about Antenna. The first chapter...

28608 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Chih-Cheng Meng
Governing Currency and Political Choice. Analytical Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy in East Asia
2013 г.,  300 стр.,  мягкий переплет
How do catch-up East Asian countries cultivate their exchange rate (ER) policies in a different trajectory than advanced economies often cited in current literature? The decisions of ER policy are by all means political choices for the transitional polities and the trade-driving economies in East Asia. The book proposes an integrated framework to...

50657 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Dan Sarkar
Examining Privacy Practices of Websites Using Large Scale Data.
2013 г.,  76 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Protecting end-users privacy and building trust are the two most important factors needed to support the growth of e-Commerce. The increased dependence on the Internet for a wide variety of daily transactions causes a corresponding loss in privacy for many users, as virtually all websites collect data from users directly or indirectly while...

28181 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Гендерные исследования
Dagnachew Kebede
Assessment Of Skilled Birth Attendant Utilization Among Women. Among Women Of Children Bearing Age (15-49) In SNNP Region, Gedeo Zone, Yirgacheffe Town
2013 г.,  100 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Over the last previous years, especially for developed countries, it is not as such a very crucial issue rather concerns the developing countries. Skilled attendant for every pregnant woman during childbirth is the most critical intervention for improving maternal and child health.A lifetime risk of maternal death in developing countries is forty...

29034 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Holly Thomas
IR Theory and State Cooperation on Blood Diamonds.
2013 г.,  108 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Blood diamonds, or “conflict diamonds,” have funded rebel movements and terrorist organizations worldwide. Bloodshed over these diamonds, the conflicts they prolonged, and the horrific human rights violations associated with the competition for this natural resource, resulted in an international effort to regulate rough diamonds, and has...

29318 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Grace Mundela
The Violation of the Rights of the Child. The Case of The Democratic Republic of Congo
2013 г.,  68 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The Convention on the Rights of the Child CRC, almost ratified by all states, contains a comprehensive list of Human Rights relating to children which should be respected, promoted, protected and fulfilled. Furthermore, especially for children in armed conflict, the CRC sets up measures which all states parties must implement in order to protect...

27897 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Gizachew Girma
Ethnic Inter-Marriage In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Levels, Trends & Differentials
2013 г.,  88 стр.,  мягкий переплет
For a variety of reasons ethnic inter-marriage has been considered as a signal of high level of societal assimilation. In spite of being a multi ethnic nation comprised of more than 80 ethnic groups where enormous population movement and subsequent intermingling took place; no attempt has been made to study the magnitude, trend and characteristics...

28608 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Alex Boateng
The Ecowas Convention On Small Arms And Light Weapons. The Management Of Small Arms Proliferation In Ghana
2013 г.,  92 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The unguided circulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) has not been the burden of Ghana alone but the entire Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in general. This work therefore examines critically the management of Small Arms and Light Weapons particularly, the locally manufactured ones in Ghana within the framework of the...

28750 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция -> Международное право
Marian Nwanze
Foreign Investment in Nigeria: An International Perspective.
2013 г.,  88 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Foreign investment protection is relatively new to the Nigerian legal regime, following a shift from military rule to democracy in the late nineties. There is yet to be a comprehensive study which explores National laws and Bilateral investment treaties (BIT’s) as they reflect the recent global trends in international Investment protection. The...

28608 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Liguang Liu
Understanding China’s Climate Change Policy Development. Stuctures, Processes and Outcomes
2013 г.,  216 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This research utilizes the policy network approach to explore China’s climate change mitigation policy-making process. Three cases are selected to illuminate structural and interactive features of the specific policy network settings in shaping different policy arrangements and influencing the outcomes in the Chinese context. The historical...

47674 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Seethaletchumy Thambiah and Saravanan Muthaiyah
Microeconomics. An Easy Guide
2013 г.,  160 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book provides a practical understanding of microeconomics for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. This book gives a glimpse of what microeconomics is.The book includes nine Chapters.Chapter 1, is an introductory chapter on economics. It explains on factors of production, the production possibility curve and some key economics term....

36005 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Karn Gupta
International Merger Enforcement Body. Merger Enforcement & Concomitant Procedures
2013 г.,  72 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The current book is based on the need for an international merger enforcement regime. The present book dwells upon the need for a global merger enforcement authority which shall speed up the process of competition and other associated matters. The book looks at the extra territorial application of antitrust laws in the US and other countries and...

28039 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> История
Hywel Maslen
The British Government and the European Voluntary Worker Programmes.
2013 г.,  388 стр.,  мягкий переплет
There was no immediate solution for the millions of refugees from countries in Eastern Europe refusing repatriation from Allied occupied territories after the Second World War. One of the first moves to help end the crisis was a contract labour scheme launched by the British government known as the European Voluntary Worker programme. Government...

53783 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Thallapelli Sanjeev
Working of Panchayat Raj System in Andhra Pradesh.
2013 г.,  164 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The Panchayat Raj System has been working for the development of society.There are many advantages with it. Many changes has been taking place in this but still the system is not up to the mark, people and policy makers are ignoring it importance for certain extant. Self government concept at individual level of every Grama Panchayat is good for...

40503 тг
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