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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Dimas Widiantoro
Hunt and Vitell Ethics Model in Analyzing Monsanto Case.
2013 г.,  56 стр.,  мягкий переплет
A "A" grade paper in Ethics, University of Agder Professor. This paper was published due to one mandatory task in course Business Ethics and Culture, in University of Agder. This paper try to catch the phenomenon of the deed which was considered un ethics but still did not against the law. These paper will show the example of the...

27471 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Saadia Ismail
The Political Economy of Foreign,Arab Aid to Sudan, 1969-2003. What is the cost of being generous and of being aided? Is aide harmful?
2013 г.,  152 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This research is talking about the theories ,history of aid,the cost of being aided in terms of loans,gifts from international donors, &Arab Funds .Also the research has discussed the political economy of the Sudan since May revolution 1969 &the size of aid from foreign,Arab countries &its contributions to the economic development...

35721 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Shakila Salam,Shamsul Alam and Md. Moniruzzaman
Price Behaviour of Major Crops in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis. Price Flexibility and Price Trend Analysis of Major Crops in Bangladesh
2013 г.,  164 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Sharp changes in agricultural prices negatively affected the entire economy as the price mechanism is not properly materialized in a highly unstable price situation. So, price behaviour analysis is significantly important to the whole economy. This work has attempted to analyze the price flexibilities, fluctuations, monthly price trends and...

40503 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
George A. Lugome
Impacts of Globalization on Local Government Service Deliveries. A case of Education Service in Tanzania Up to 2011
2013 г.,  84 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book focuses on globalization and its impact on local government service deliveries with a particular attention to primary education service in Tanzania.The study is relevant as the country is experiencing a rapid increase of international linkage with its local communities, beginning from colonial period and largely increased from 1990s. As...

28465 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Nuran Uysal
The Representation of Turkish Immigrants in the German Printed Media. Its Linkage to the Public Opinion about Turkey's EU Accession
2013 г.,  92 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In the popular debates about migration and integration of immigrants in Germany, the Turks are often at the centre as the largest minority group in Germany. So, this study aims to reveal that the German perception towards Turkey’s EU membership is in a great sense influenced by the relative share of the representation of the Turkish population...

28750 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Abebe Arega Mekonnen
Employment, Income and Societal Perception of Traditional Metal-works. Menbere-Tsehay Traditional Metal-work Handicraft Enterprises in Dessie, Ethiopia
2013 г.,  116 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Micro and small scale enterprises are sustaining a large number of labor forces as a job opportunity and generating income as a livelihood mechanism where the traditional metal work handicraft is one of them. The traditional handicraft industries are/were also the pioneer of the present socio-economic development in general & industrialization...

29602 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Гендерные исследования
Md. Mahbubur Rahman Jillur and Shamshad Ferdousee
Women Empowerment and Role of Micro Credit of TMSS at Rural Bangladesh. A Critical Analysis of Empowerment and Development
2013 г.,  92 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The empowerment of women is one of the central issues in the process of development of all developing countries in the world. Women empowerment is a matter of key concern in national and international policymaking and activities of social life. Nations cannot achieve their development goals if their women are discriminated. Significance of the...

28750 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Wolelaw Eshetu
Journalistic Ethics in the Newsroom. Ethics as a Pillar of Media Professionals
2013 г.,  96 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In these days, many people are heard complaining about the fundamental of journalistic ethics. Because, the essence of journalistic ethics are violated and affected by journalists own biased, personal interest, subjective judgments and the like are the main factors of it. As a result, fairness and balance, objectivity, conflicts of interest,...

28892 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
James Mwangi
Sales Growth, Profitability and Firm's Value in Emerging Markets.
2013 г.,  100 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The author discusses the relationship between sales growth, profitability and firm value in firm value creation strategy. Results based on a sample of 69 public limited companies from Kenya, Indonesia, South Africa and The Philippines considered as young emerging market economies in this study indicate that although both firm profitability and...

29034 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Sky Thakur
Victim Compensation in Indian Criminal Justice System.
2013 г.,  84 стр.,  мягкий переплет
"victim of paralyzed judicial system have no restitution".justice is a multidimensional concept, it not only includes the check on criminals but also to satisfy the demand of the victim. In a developing nation like India the majority of the population is struggling for it's two time meal, in such circumstances the fight for justice...

28465 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Upasana Chakravarty
An Inquiry Into Rural-Urban Migration. Relevance Of The Harris - Torado Model
2013 г.,  200 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book focuses on the phenomenon of rural to urban migration with special reference to Guwahati, the gateway of north eastern region of India, that had taken place and which continues till date, despite the existence of massive unemployment in the city. An attempt is also made to rationalize such a phenomenon by confronting the relevant primary...

41782 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Adarsh Sankaran and Manne Janga Reddy
Optimal Design of Irrigation Canals. Principles and Practice
2013 г.,  164 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book presents the principles and practices of optimal design of irrigation canals considering varying roughness along channel perimeter incorporating slope stability constraint, hydraulic & geometric restrictions, uncertainty associated with the roughness parameter etc. Swarm intelligence based method is followed in optimizing different...

40503 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Daniel Knishkowy
Sectarianism in Northern Ireland. Youth Work and the Art of Having the Difficult Conversation
2013 г.,  52 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This report is the outcome of a month-long exploratory study on youth work in Northern Ireland regarding sectarian issues. It is an investigation of how sectarianism transfers from generation to generation, and how this often results in cycles of violence. The goal of this exploration was to find out what efforts are being made to combat this...

27329 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Elisabeth Ann Brenner
Conditions For Creation Of Potential Development In Vygotsy's ZPD. The Effect of Proportional Reasoning Ability on Potential Development in the Zone of Proximal Development
2013 г.,  168 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book reports a study which examined how the attainment of theoretical frameworks may create the conditions for and support subsequent learning of related material. Specifically, Vygotsky’s proposal that learning only occurs in the Zone of Proximal Development was investigated. The relationship between the actual level of development, as...

40645 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> История
Otis D. Alexander
Danville, Yesterday & Today. The Last Capitol of the Confederacy
2013 г.,  144 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Danville was founded in 1793 and incorporated in 1833. It is known for the tobacco and textile industries that brought great economic success. The city dominated the tobacco belt of the Virginia and neighboring North Carolina as its prosperity was maintained until the decline of both tobacco and textile industries in the 1980s. This book...

35437 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> История
Omprakash Srivastav
The Legacy. New Trends
2013 г.,  212 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The book ‘The Legacy-New Trends’ deals with the different cultural trends and traditions prevailing in the Indian society. Our objective is to present a comprehensive cultural picture of India in its varied dimensions and perspectives. We have collected the articles comprising the field of fine arts, tourism, national integration, trends of...

47531 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Mariebelle Salim Harb
Shakespeare’s King Lear and Dickens’s Oliver Twist. A Study in Accidental Counterpoint
2013 г.,  80 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book shows how, when Shakespeare’s King Lear and Dickens’s Oliver Twist are studied together, they accidentally counterpoint each other when representing the same human issues. The play and the novel work in an amazingly opposite manner when dealing with the same basic questions of the human race (like family, religion, exploration of the...

28323 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Ebo Botchway
Willingness To Pay For Improved Urban Water Supply.
2013 г.,  116 стр.,  мягкий переплет
A major problem that confronts many urban areas in the world is the provision of potable water on constant basis. One reason for this occurrence is the inability of service providers to meet the growing demand partly is attributable to ineffective pricing which is below cost recovery levels. In this study we investigate household’s willingness...

29602 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Besnik Fetai
Macroeconomic policy in the Transition Economies.
2013 г.,  64 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The book addresses the assessment pertaining to monetary and fiscal policy in the Republic of Macedonia. Monetary strategy of targeting the exchange rate can easily become a target of speculative attacks, which can in turn lead to negative impacts for the economy by increases in and fluctuation of the interest rates and the foreign exchange...

27755 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Zorica Raspudi? Golomeji?
Coordination between the monetary and public debt management policies. Prerequisites, improvements and main barriers in Croatia
2013 г.,  72 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book explains the main characteristics of and prerequisites for coordination between monetary and public debt management policies in Croatia and evaluates current practice, particularly during recession years. Attention is drawn to the importance of coordination for achieving macroeconomic stability and to the main problems and challenges...

28039 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Kasi Viswanath Ivaturi venketa,Prasad K. R. S. and Murthy Y. L. N.
Nano Ferrites: a Reusable Catalyst in Organic Synthesis.
2013 г.,  52 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In this book up-to-date and includes latest research areas like synthesis nano transition metal ferrites by using gel method and charcterized by XRD and SEM. The results are presented. This method leads to form fully crystalline particles even at high annealed temperatures. Further, in this book we can present the synthesis of 1,4-dihydro...

27329 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Hussein Zakaria
Inter-religious Dialogue for Social Change.
2013 г.,  228 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The people of the world may differ in every ways: colour, culture, religion etc…but as humanity we have the duty to create a common world to live together, work together and make a progress despite the differences.. (Zakaria,2002). This study seeks to find out the extent to which religious bodies can work together to bring about desirable social...

48100 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Leigh Ann Johnston
The Portrayal of Governor Wallace and Alabama's Two-year Colleges. A Content Analysis of Three Alabama Newspapers from 1963-1966
2013 г.,  92 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Even though former Governor George Wallace is often remembered for his segregationist stance on education in early to mid 1960s Alabama; he is credited, in part, with the advancement and growth of the two-year college system during the same time frame. This is evidenced in the names of junior colleges and community colleges in Alabama, many after...

28750 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Kerry Jones
Parental Perspectives on Grief and Loss Following Perinatal Death.
2013 г.,  284 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Seventeen babies a day die in the UK, yet existing research suggests that stillbirth and neonatal loss remains a marginal topiC. There is a need to explore how men and women experience the stillbirth or neonatal death of their child. While the professional literature discusses such deaths, it is unclear from where these perspectives are derived,...

50089 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Sylvester T. Arrey
Mastering Alternative Diplomacy in Reconciliation and Peacebuilding. Playing by New Diplomatic Rules
2013 г.,  284 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Given the challenges facing the world, it is necessary to incorporate new approaches in how things are done. Stressing that this is time for solutions not trading of blames, this book introduces what it calls alternative diplomacy, highlighting its relevance and why turning to it is expedient. Using The Elders, an organization composed of eminent...

50089 тг
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