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Children as the Target Group of Customer Relationship Management. Guidelines for a successful Implementation
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Местонахождение: Алматы | Состояние экземпляра: новый |
Автор: Angela Ramspacher
ISBN: 9783639446043
Год издания: 2013
Формат книги: 60×90/16 (145×215 мм)
Количество страниц: 124
Издательство: AV Akademikerverlag
Цена: 21997 тг
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Сферы деятельности:Код товара: 112621
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Аннотация: In the modern world marketing campaigns are surrounding people every step they take, leading to an overload of information that customers simply learned to ignore. Moreover, the customers are mainly focused on their own benefits, making it hard for marketers to achieve loyalty. Consequently, it is crucial to firms to reach customers as early as possible because then they are not very critical, interested in and open for advertisement initiatives, and most importantly, when building a positive relationship with a child it is likely to prefer these products in future. Hence, seeing children as a target group for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides an attractive solution for loyalty as well as attention problems to firms. This book suggests guidelines to implement successful CRM targeting children based on the knowledge about children. Furthermore, the successful company McDonald’s is used to demonstrate the validity of the guidelines. Learn how to use CRM targeting children to be prepared for the future and to improve your financial performance not only substantially but also permanently.
Ключевые слова: Sales, Marketing, CRM, Kundenbindung, Kinder, customer relationship marketing, Retention, children, Customer, Marketing, Customer Loyalty, Kids, McDonalds, McDonald's, loyalty, guidelines