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The Misbegotten War, Volume IV. Select Essays from the Kensington Review, July - December 2004

В наличии
Местонахождение: АлматыСостояние экземпляра: новый
Автор: Jeff Myhre
ISBN: 9783847385950
Год издания: 2013
Формат книги: 60×90/16 (145×215 мм)
Количество страниц: 272
Издательство: Dictus Publishing
Цена: 44824 тг
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Код товара: 117728
Способы доставки в город Алматы *
комплектация (срок до отгрузки) не более 2 рабочих дней
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      Аннотация: In the second half of 2004, George W. Bush won re-election over John Kerry, the Beslan terror siege in Russia proved beyond all doubt that the very idea of the modern nation state was under attack while Mr. Putin waged war on the oligarchs, and the US authorities made their official reports on the war crimes committed at the Iraqi prison at Abu Ghraib. Perhaps the most important story was Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld getting grilled by US troops in Iraq over why their equipment was inadequate. The exchange demonstrated the inadequacy of the administration's military planning, despite being able to choose the time and place of the war.
Ключевые слова: EU, Bush, Terrorism, UN, Iraq, Democrats, Republicans, Election 2004, Kerry
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By the beginning of 2004, it was clear that the hoped-for cakewalk in Iraq was anything but that. The Bush administration had run up record deficits, and at the same time, it was becoming clear that the Democrats vying for the White House were having trouble making their criticisms on either international or domestic policy stick. Such is the...

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