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'Dagu' as a Cultural Regulator among the Afar People. The Communication aspect

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Местонахождение: АлматыСостояние экземпляра: новый
Автор: Moges Endris Yimer
ISBN: 9783659332128
Год издания: 2013
Формат книги: 60×90/16 (145×215 мм)
Количество страниц: 72
Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Цена: 28039 тг
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Код товара: 117856
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      Аннотация: The Afar are a pastoral community that live in the North Eastern Part of Ethiopia. Because of their predominantly pastoral way of life, they have an indigenous, unique information exchange system called Dagu. The Dagu is an oral, interpersonal communication performance done as a ritual by the members of the Afar ethnic group in Ethiopia. It is held in a highest of regards by the Afar due to the fact that their livelihood is very much dependent on the information they get from Dagu. They get any current information ranging from weather to availability of grazing lands for their cattle. Studying such indigenous knowledge systems and making sure that they are taken seriously in the entire processes of human development is not a common sight in the world of academia these days. Therefore, by doing such study, the author hopes to make sure that unique indigenous systems like Dagu are studied and stored systematically.
Ключевые слова: communication and Culture, Indigenous Communication System, traditional Oral and Interpersonal Communication