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Female Genital Mutilation & Cutting in Europe. An overall approach to eliminate the practice

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Местонахождение: АлматыСостояние экземпляра: новый
Автор: Johanna Kostenzer
ISBN: 9783639461206
Год издания: 2013
Формат книги: 60×90/16 (145×215 мм)
Количество страниц: 88
Издательство: AV Akademikerverlag
Цена: 28608 тг
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Код товара: 118461
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      Аннотация: Female genital mutilation/ cutting is a harmful cultural tradition practiced primarily in Sub-Sahara Africa and in some Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Increasing international migration has spread the practice across borders and also brought it to Europe. The book provides a thorough review of the underlying reasons for its continuation. Sustainable intervention measures to eliminate the traditional rite on a global as well as on the European level are discussed.
Ключевые слова: Female Genital Mutilation, cutting, Harmful Practices, women's rights, Tradition, Migration, Cultural Identity, Circumcision, gender equality, Genitalverst?mmelung
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