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Geology of the North-Western Parts of Jos, Nigeria. Structural Geology, Petrography, Mineral Resources, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
В наличии
Местонахождение: Алматы | Состояние экземпляра: новый |
Автор: Josiah Nuhu Jabbo
ISBN: 9786206154198
Год издания: 1905
Формат книги: 60×90/16 (145×215 мм)
Количество страниц: 96
Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Цена: 37357 тг
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Аннотация: The study area is part of the central Nigerian Basement Complex and the Jos - Bukuru and Rukuba Younger Granite Ring Complexes, among the fifty (50) Younger Granites provinces in Nigeria. It is dominated by migmatites, gneisses, aplites, and pegmatites, which have been sheared and deformed into "aplopegmatitic granite-gneiss". Basic dolerite dykes and extensive laterites cover the area. The granites in the area are porphyritic, coarse to medium-grained biotite-granites, with quartz, feldspars, biotite, plagioclase, hornblende, and zircon as the accessory mineral. The general structural trends of the Basement rocks and the Younger Granites are mostly NE-SW with minor NW-SE. Mineral deposits of cassiterite and columbite have been extensively mined during the 1960s, and only disseminated deposits occur. The Younger Granites being quarried constitute an environmental and potential resource for economic gain and self-employment for the area's inhabitants.
Ключевые слова: Geology, petrography, Structural Geology, mineral resources, Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, economic geology