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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Sanaka Naga Leela Kumari
Heat and mass transfer flow in channels / ducts with heat sources. H & M T in Channels/Ducts
2013 г.,  188 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The effect of chemical reaction,radiation absorption and thermo-diffusion on MHD convective heat and mass transfer flow in Channels / Ducts with heat sources gives the study of heat generation or absorption effects in moving fluids, such as fluids undergoing exothermic or endothermic chemical reaction. Due to the fast growth of electronic...

41355 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Olawale Emmanuel Olayide and Anthony Ettah Ikpi
Agricultural Production and Rural Welfare in Nigeria. Assessing agricultural production and its impact on rural welfare
2013 г.,  172 стр.,  мягкий переплет
One of the greatest challenges of sustainable agricultural development is the inability of a country to meet its domestic food needs and provide surplus for export and future shocks, especially for a developing country like Nigeria. Agricultural production is thus essential for meeting domestic food demand, and generating broad-based growth...

40787 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Laura Zugravu and Adrian Zugravu
Agrifood economy.
2013 г.,  204 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Food security has the components: ensuring available capita food (calories and protein) and the ability to buy a population policy is achieved by linking nutritional food policies. Food policy should aim at providing the necessary quantitative and quality of food for the entire population, at affordable prices.Need to develop and modernize...

42844 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Biruk Anley Taglo
State media and challenges of covering Rural Issues in Ethiopia.
2013 г.,  64 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Covering rural development issues is important because about 85 per cent of Ethiopians are rural. It demands more media attention to enjoy the fruits of development, though media penetration in the Ethiopian countryside faces multiple challenges. Ethiopia has a very low standard of rural journalism practice.The literature of media development...

27755 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Vincent Unegbu
Awareness Of Local Government Finances On Community Development.
2013 г.,  188 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Local government is the third tier of government almost in every nation. It is the government that imparts more on the community by providing needed developmental infrastructure. The federal government allocates funds monthly, through a bureaucratic bottleneck, to the local governments to enhance the living standards of the communities. This book...

41355 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Sanusi Olatunde Samson
Democracy in Africa Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana case study.
2013 г.,  104 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The book examine democracy and electoral administration from both western and African scholars perspective. it was discovered that, Ghana 2000 General Election was free and fair, while Nigeria and Kenya General Election in the same Era was full of electoral malpractices leading to global condemnation.Thus Nigeria and Kenya fail global democracy...

29176 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Patrick J. Hendrickson
Pragmatic Idealism. Strengthening American Foreign Policy through International Law
2013 г.,  72 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In the globalized world interactions between states are inevitable. The United States needs to decide whether it wants to exercise a strategy of cooperation or confrontation when approaching future crises. This book examines the American relationship with international law, past and present, and describes how American international political and...

21699 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
The rudiments of human rights in the world history.
2013 г.,  196 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Congratulations,if you are lucky to read this book. Human Rights is central to the existence of modest civilization. This book discusses the positive role of International Labour Organisation ,United nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation and Human Rights in Europe. This book will be useful to Students all over the World, the...

41639 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Shayak Chakraborty
Gun Control - An International Perspective.
2013 г.,  64 стр.,  мягкий переплет
An analysis of gun control comparing perspectives of United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia and India. A comparison is sought to be done of the relative positions of these countries with respect to the controversial issue of gun control, particularly in light of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in the United States of...

27755 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Randy Savage
Story As A Leadership Influence Tool To Lead Millennials.
2013 г.,  144 стр.,  мягкий переплет
As the Millennial generation takes its place in organizations, leaders face the quandary of how to lead this unique generation. Contemporary literature suggests that story is a leadership tool used across generations and promotes it as an effective leadership tool. The Millennial generation desires a more open communication process and is...

35437 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Dawit Getu
Zay: Islanders in a floating lake. Ethiopia's federalism reconsidered
2013 г.,  88 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Zay inhabiting the five islands of lake Zway have passed through different experiences. They maintained, through the ages both hostile and friendly interactions with the societies neighbouring to them. Almost half a millennium have been spent since they have come across with the Oromo which now have reached its climax. Specially the last two...

29043 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Nega Assefa
Valuing Irrigation Water Attributes. Application of Choice Experiment and Contingent Valuation Methods
2013 г.,  80 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Natural resources such as water and environmental attributes are valuable assets to humans. Despite the various benefits derived from these resources obtaining the appropriate price for environmental resources is a bit difficult due to the absence of market. As a result most of the time macro-economic planners fail to recognize the total value of...

21983 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Antanas Buracas,Algis Zvirblis and Il?dio Tom?s Lopes
Multicriteria Finance System Evaluation & Sustainability Analysis.
2013 г.,  280 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Development of transitional finance systems, also growth of their sustainability is an priority in macroeconomic advancement strategy. Comprehensive examination supposes the creation of sophisticated theoretical and methodological basis. The Ist chapter deals with the promising technique for integrated assessment of the country’s finance system...

49947 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Belesti Wodaje
Factors Affecting Utilization of Family Planning Among Rural women.
2013 г.,  76 стр.,  мягкий переплет
In the study area only few (20%) of rural women utilized family planning service to postponed or limit number of children due to demand and supply factors. Hence, due to religious pressure and cultural factors in the study area only few number of women utilized the service.As a result, the result of this work indicated some of the factors that...

28181 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Vincent Jenjekwa
Historicity in Chenjerai Hove's Selected Works.
2013 г.,  120 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book is a critical analysis of Chenjerai Hove's selected works in prose and poetry within the framework of Historical criticism. It is evident that a writer cannot and should not ignore critical historical events of his day. Inevitably, as a mortal being, Chenjerai Hove's treatment of colonialism, independence, governance and gender issues...

29744 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Fauzia Sultana
Asian University For Women. Not to provide “women’s education but to educate women"for women across South and Southeast Asia and the Middle East
2013 г.,  148 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The Asian University for Women (AUW) is being established as a leading institution of higher education for underprivileged women across South and Southeast Asia and the Middle East. It will help re-instill the value of knowledge in changing societies and indeed demonstrate that no class or group in society as a monopoly on talent. The permanent...

35579 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Гендерные исследования
Shillah Rugonye
Effectiveness of the Domestic Violence Act 2006 (chapter5:16).
2013 г.,  72 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book sensitizes the reader on issues of domestic violence among married women .The study revealed that ,while the government enacted the Domestic Violence Act 2006 (chapter 5:16)nothing much is being done in addressing the issues of domestic violence on married women.This is reflected by failure by most of the married women to...

28039 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Suban Kumar Chowdhury,Muhammad Moinul Hasnat and Abdullah Hel Kafi
REDD+ Relevant Safeguards and Its Readiness in Bangladesh.
2013 г.,  52 стр.,  мягкий переплет
However REDD+ emerged as a new concept to us all, it gained much attention to the international climate negotiators. REDD+ benefits could vary from state to state. From perspective of Bangladesh, how the indigenous people could be benefited from REDD+ is now emerge as a core question. Moreover the environmental Acts of the state (i.e. Forest Act...

27329 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Toan Nguyen Van
Application of chitosan solution in on some typical food microbes. Antimicrobial activity of chitosan solution on some typical food microbes
2013 г.,  52 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Microbial contamination, microbial growth and oxidation of lipids in foods during processing and storage are the major causes of food-borne illnesses and loss of shelf life. Thus, a number of antimicrobial agents and antioxidants are permitted by regulatory agencies to minimize the deterioration of food quality. There is a widespread trend towards...

27329 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Sezan Tanvir,Amit Biswas and Md. Kayum Shikdar
Mitigating Problems of Reproductive Health. Issues Concerning Matrimonial Women
2013 г.,  80 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Reproductive health mainly concerned with the health status of women. The reproductive health status of married woman in Bangladesh is not very satisfactory because of various reason such as lack of education, gender violence etc.The objective of this study was to know reproductive health care facilities, problems and consequences that become...

28323 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
John Kon Kelei
Minimum Rehabilitation Standard. Rehabilitation Standard for the Amelioration of the Reintegration of Children in War Zone and other Child Unfriendly Areas
2013 г.,  76 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book is a work of a prominent Child Rights Advocate in South Sudan and whole world. This dissertation will explore the possibilities of connecting Article 39 of the United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC) to the work of organizations charged with Integration and Rehabilitation of children in conflict and post-conflict zones....

28181 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Chris Gunter
An Analysis on Renewable Energy in New Brunswick.
2013 г.,  164 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The New Brunswick Energy Hub is a complex system acting under the mandate of the White Paper New Brunswick Energy Policy. This research examines the benefits and disadvantages of instituting a shift from fossil fuel dependence to renewable sources of energy in New Brunswick. By exploring the efficacy of energy policies in countries like Germany,...

40503 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Sylvester Marumahoko
Household food security in Zimbabwe.
2013 г.,  104 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The book focuses on the status of household food security in Zimbabwe. One of its arguments is that although Zimbabwe's agrarian reform programme undermined food production, there are other critical factors that are often ignored such as drought and floods. The book discusses how the government and humanitarian agencies are working together to...

29176 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Shweta Kulshreshtha,Pradeep Bhatnagar and Nupur Mathur
Pollution abatement through mushroom cultivation.
2013 г.,  136 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Worldwide establishment of industries is the chief culprit to pose the environmental threat. The cost of substantially reducing industrial pollution is high; how to finance it without undue economic burden remains a question. There is a need for revised technology to diminish industrial pollution and to dispose of all wastes in ways less damaging...

35153 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Bellamkonda Rambabu
Economic conditions of agricultural labourers in Nellore district.
2013 г.,  248 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Agricultural labourers occupy the lowest place in the socio-economic structure of the rural setup. Mostly these persons belong to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes or Backward Classes. They have no resource base and are mostly landless. The Sixth Plan highlighted a fact that small and marginal tenants cultivated 73 per cent of the...

48810 тг
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