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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Getachew Teshome and Maryam Matheos
Teacher-Initiated Learner Self-Correction Strategy of Academic Writing. Wollega University in Focus
2013 г.,  100 стр.,  мягкий переплет
There are some research pieces conducted on writing and feedback provision techniques.Some are largely concerned with peer and teacher-correction strategies.However,in the face of current learner-centered methodology, little research work has been done on learner self-correction strategies. This research work is, therefore, designed to give...

29034 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Onismo Rukuni
The Zimbabwean Land Question and Conflict Escalation.
2013 г.,  120 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Zimbabwe is a politically disciplined country which heavily guards its type of democracy. Topics on Land Issue are very sensitive let alone to be published online. Yet with the current dispensation of information technology, it is necessary that researches be done and Zimbabwean issues be opened out to the whole world so that people may get...

29744 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Cecilia Nwigwe
Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria: A Critical Assessment.
2013 г.,  116 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The book attempts to provide a critical assessment of microfinance as a strategy for poverty reduction in Nigeria. It argues that while microfinance has developed some innovative management and business strategies, its impact on poverty reduction remains in doubt. Microfinance, however, certainly plays an important role in providing safety-net and...

29602 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Chi Wei Su
Non-linear Causality between the Stock and Real Estate Markets. Of China and Western European Countries
2013 г.,  56 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Over the last few years, the relationship between real estate and stock markets has always been the hot topic not only in China, but also in western countries. The identification of such relationship is critical for both investors in these two markets and policymakers who need such information prior the designing of a national growth strategy....

27471 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Godwin Ifenkwe
Communication Environment and Group Performance.
2013 г.,  196 стр.,  мягкий переплет
A good number of recent communication research activities focus largely on individuals as units of analysis, thus downplaying communication relationships. Considering the fact that group exchange or reciprocal relationships are interactional, and when positive lead to high level of group productivity, this book, drawing from a wide range of...

41639 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Nilufar Yeasmin Nili
Maternal Health Care Services: How Much Utilized By Slum Dwellers?. Factors Affecting the Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services: A Study in Slum Areas of Dhaka City
2013 г.,  188 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Bangladesh has one of the highest maternal mortality rates (MMR) in the world, i.e. 3/1000 live births. The situation is worse due to inadequate access to modern health care services & poor utilization. One of the public health challenges is, therefore, to identify vulnerable groups and to provide them with needed health care services....

41355 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Durgesh Kahol and Julie Roiz
Different discounting approaches impacting economic evaluation. A practical example using hepatitis-B vaccination
2013 г.,  92 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Currently constant discounting rate of 3.5 percent is applied for discounting the costs and outcomes in the UK. This study applied different approaches such as empirical, stepwise and time-shifted discounting in parallel to the constant discounting and identify their impact on cost-effectiveness with respect to the NICE threshold. The decision...

28750 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Kaustav Chakraborty
Indian Texts & Representations: De-stereotyped Perspectives.
2013 г.,  152 стр.,  мягкий переплет
De-stereotyped reading signifies fluidity that eliminates intentional fallacy. Hence, de-stereotyped approach is synonymous to Foucauldian ‘parrhesia’—where the speaker maintains, from a sense of duty, a specific relation to truth through frankness, a certain type of relation to himself or other people through criticism, with complete...

35721 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Zaiboonnisa Holland
Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in CAD in Black South Africans.
2013 г.,  88 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This study evaluates the role of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) in predicting coronary artery disease in Black South Africans, and to correlate CIMT with the known risk factors for coronary artery disease, including those of the Metabolic Syndrome. Findings show that CIMT predicts the extent of coronary artery diseases as found at coronary...

28608 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Riolinia Jones Nongrum
A Sociological Study of Youth Organisations in the City of Shillong.
2013 г.,  144 стр.,  мягкий переплет
““Youth is the embodiment of energy and enthusiasm which can be utilised for the socio-economic development of the nation and eradication of social evils as also for their welfare as well as that of the society”. In almost every human society of the world youths have organised themselves into organisations to pursue certain goals. Youth...

35437 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Winifred Tarinyeba Kiryabwire
Bank Finance and Corporate Governance in Uganda.
2013 г.,  60 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Scholars have long traced the trajectory of law, finance and governance.Legal centrists in particular have advanced the "law matters theory"-that the nature of a legal system,its legal rules and quality of enforcement are fundamental in shapping corporate governance.However, there are jurisdictions where legal rules are inadequate and...

27613 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Meenakhsi Sahu
Study on Infant and Maternal Mortality in Odisha. Research study on the Infant and Maternal mortality in Jalhari and Jajang Panchayat of Joda Block in Odisha
2013 г.,  68 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The book highlights the research study performed under the dissertation assignment through XISS at Odisha in the domain areas of the Essel Mining Limited in two panchayats Jalhari and Jajang Panchayat of Joda Block in Odisha .The study highlights some of the crucial facts ,analysis etc,in the mentioned areas which were one of the major cause for...

27897 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Sigrid Lipott
Cross- border cooperation and city twinning. Along the Italo - Slovene border
2013 г.,  56 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The present work examines the case of cross- border cooperation (CBC) between Italy and Slovenia, with particular regard to the construction of town twinning, i.e. territorial integration between Gorizia- Nova Gorizia and Trieste- Koper, in the light of the establishment of broader euroregions. Transboundary regionalization between Italy and...

27471 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Nashwa Ghoneim
Evaluating Egyptian Government's Health Spending on Children Mortality. Public Policy and Administration Studies
2013 г.,  52 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The health status of Egypt requires attention and requires critical solutions to help in mitigating its chronic problems. Egypt’s health statistics are significantly worse than countries with a comparable political and economic situation, such as Cuba, but are better than some other countries within the region with comparable population size,...

27329 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Dalitso Kuphanga
The Global Economic Crisis and Local Non Governmental Organisations. The Malawian Context
2013 г.,  80 стр.,  мягкий переплет
The Developed World has since the early 2000's been affected by the Economic crises have created gaps in their balance sheets. This has been met by developing world's local Non-Governmental Organisations' over dependence on aid and grants support from development partners coming from the same affected countries. This work was aimed at...

28323 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Ehsan Momeni and Nurly Gofar
Axial Bearing Capacity Of Driven Piles. Modelling Of Pile Skin Resistance Distribution With Depth
2013 г.,  120 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Proper estimation of axial bearing capacity of driven piles plays a significant role in pile design. There are numerous methods for prediction the axial bearing capacity of driven piles such as analytical methods, empirical methods, pile load test, High Strain Dynamic Testing of Piles (HSDPT), and finite element method. This Book gives insight...

29744 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки
Sule Ahmadu,Nobaya Ahmad and Hanina H. Hamsan
Experiences of Participation. Its Meaning, Kinds and Motivations in Rural Development Program
2013 г.,  132 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Although the concept of participation has in recent times continued to play an important role in development discourse, there is at the same time difficulty in the conceptual definition due to contextual nature of the concept, it can be used to mean different things to its users depending on the context within which it is used. This book explored...

35011 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Социология
Rohaiza Rokis
Tradition Meets Modernity. Women Engineers in Industrialising Malaysia
2013 г.,  440 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Though they may be modernised, educated and professional, women are still traditional at heart. Tradition meets Modernity considers being an excellent reading within sociology of work and gender study. It illuminates interesting yet provocative debate about women and work deriving from the continuation of the traditional elements in...

55630 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Harold Orndorff III
The Social Media Presidency.
2013 г.,  220 стр.,  мягкий переплет
How is new media changing presidential politics? The Social Media Presidency explores how Twitter, Facebook, and other new media tools are changing the way presidents interact with the traditional press and the general public. Presidents may no longer be completely reliant on the press to disseminate a message. Rather current president Barack...

47816 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция -> Уголовное право
Demena Ilu
Revising Eyewitness Identification Procedures.
2013 г.,  84 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Eyewitness identification is a useful tool for law enforcement in the absence of concrete physical evidence in solving crimes and attempting to identify the perpetrator. The problem with convicting solely on the basis of eyewitness evidence is that many times the eyewitness's memory are inaccurate or effected by suggestive identification...

28465 тг
Бумажная версия
Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Политика и политология
Kaderi Noagah Bukari
Conflict and Development in The Bawku Traditional Area of Ghana.
2013 г.,  128 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This study was undertaken to examine how the Bawku ethnic conflict affects socioeconomic development in the Bawku Traditional Area in relations to agricultural production, commercial activities, general security, education and healthcare.The study revealed that the Bawku conflict impacts negatively on local development in the areas of businesses,...

34868 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Kiran Prasad Bhatta
Poverty and Hunger Reduction Strategies. Problems, Prospects, and Potentials
2013 г.,  120 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Poverty and hunger are widespread and a major challenge for economists worldwide. In this book, it has been shown why the previous efforts in this regard have failed. Focus on only one aspect could not give desirable effects and a holistic approach must be adopted to fight destitution. The study showed that both agriculture and non-agriculture...

29744 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция -> Международное право
Lelia Otmani
The protection of the environment and access to patented technologies. Interpreting the TRIPS Agreement in light of the human right to health
2013 г.,  76 стр.,  мягкий переплет
Human health and the environment are undoubtedly connected. “Environmentally Sound Technologies” have been developed to prevent and mitigate degradations of both the environment, thereby protecting the health of the populations living in those environments. If there may be a general consensus on the necessity to use ESTs in order to protect...

28181 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Экономика
Elizabeth Nane Ovanhu Mbidi
Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Development.
2013 г.,  136 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book serves as a tool for policy making in the education system in developing countries. Developing countries need to relook at their education policies and strategies and to ensure that those strategies are correlating to their developing goals. It is imperative to educate young people in becoming financial independent and train them on how...

35153 тг
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Отрасли знаний: Общественные науки -> Юриспруденция
Volha Damarad
International Legal Regulation of Alternative Civilian Service. International and European Standards Belarusian Experience and Practice
2013 г.,  104 стр.,  мягкий переплет
This book describes international, European and Belarusian legislation on alternative civilian service. The author analyses best legal practices and propose a draft of the Belarusian law on alternative service. The manuscript composes of three chapters. The first part looks in history of conscientious objections towards civilian service in the...

29176 тг
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найдено 33794 изданий (1352 стр.) страницы: 1 ... 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 ... 1352